Group Coaching: Sleep Support Circle for 0-8 months begins July 04, 11am EST for 4 weeks | Register Now

Exhaustion in the time of COVID


The truest words I’ve ever heard expressed about parenthood said that nothing in the entire world will give you as much joy, as much sadness and as much exhaustion as being a parent. I think this is even more true in the context of the current world. Maybe I am biased, but I think covid […]

A holistic approach to sleep

Holistic Approach to Sleep

When working with a sleep specialist who takes a holistic approach, you can expect to address so much more than just sleep. Sleep is impacted by a host of other factors that many traditional sleep consultants are not trained to recognize or consider. When I begin working with new families, here are some of the […]

Is it really a bad habit?

Bad habits?

Let’s talk about habits for a moment. Just like the old addage, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, we each find comfort in different things. In some homes, rocking to sleep is a big no-no. In others, nursing to sleep is a treasured moment in time. What works for one family doesn’t necessarily work […]

Children are people too

Children are people too

It goes a bit against the grain, but what if we changed our thinking to “how would I feel if I were in my child’s shoes”, rather than expecting them to behave in a certain way? Toddlers do not have the capacity to always control their emotions and behaviour. You may ask them what seems […]

Time outs

Time Outs

This is probably not something you agreed with when you first read it, right? Let me explain: Time outs use separation to teach our children that only certain behaviour gives them the invitation to exist in our presence. So, why do they work (at least temporarily)? Because children innately need to be close to their […]

Is a crib just for sleep?

Ever been told that your baby’s crib or room is just for sleep? That’s yet another sleep myth that can lead to a child feeling scared and uncomfortable when being left for the night. Using your baby’s room or sleep space as a space for fun and play can be helpful in making it feel […]