Download Your FREE Toddler Bedtime Guide

If bedtime has become a battle of wills between you and your toddler, let me be the first to tell you that you’re not alone.

There are so many things going on in a toddler’s life: the development of their sense of self, and, with that, the innate urge to resist coercion; a change in their overall need for sleep (you may find yourself holding onto that final nap for dear life!); and perhaps changes in their day to day life with new caregivers, new programs, and even new siblings.

We reach the end of the day and kids begin to push back against the separation of bedtime. Couple that with the fact that the end of the day is usually when a parent’s patience is running thinnest, and we have a perfect storm for a bedtime battle.

Improving bedtime with a toddler requires consideration of the following:

  • Your position as your child’s Caretaker
  • A toddler’s Counterwill
  • Collecting as a means to engage your child’s attention
  • A child’s need for Connection
  • The perception of Closeness

The Sleeping Beauties free Toddler Bedtime guide will arm you with actionable items to make the nighttime routine smoother and more enjoyable for everyone.

Download the guide below and reach out anytime for a personalized approach to suit your family’s needs.

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