Whats included:

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Comprehensive Sleep Coaching

Are you struggling with elements of your child’s sleep, and want to get more sleep for you and your family without the use of any sleep training?
Every family is unique and no two families have the same goals. Keep the elements of your sleep routines that you love, and I will support you through making changes to the pieces that are no longer working. I always support bedsharing, if you choose to do so, and breastfeeding.

This package is right for you if your child is 9 months or older, including toddlers and school-aged children. If your baby is under 9 months of age, and you feel that you would benefit from the comprehensive sleep coaching package, please feel free to reach out to discuss.

If you have twins, or a sibling of another age who you would like to work with simultaneously, please also purchase the sibling support, or reach out for a customized support package.

While I do my best to respond to emails in a timely matter, please note that packages do not include email support.
